The following custom function will calculate the tax that needs to be paid for any given salary, for FinYear 2011-12.
function australianTax2011_12(grossSalary) {
var tax = 0.0;
if (grossSalary > 180000) {
tax = 54550 + ((grossSalary - 180000) * 0.45);
} else if (grossSalary > 80000) {
tax = 17550 + ((grossSalary - 80000) * 0.37);
} else if (grossSalary > 37000) {
tax = 4650 + ((grossSalary - 37000) * 0.30);
} else if (grossSalary > 6000) {
tax = 0 + ((grossSalary - 6000) * 0.15);
return tax;
Example use in a cell: =australianTax2011_12(37000)
This was created in a couple of minutes, so that I could simply call a function and get the tax figure straight away, instead of doing arithmetic gymnastics in the spreadsheet.
It is not elegant or optimised for speed, size, anything.
Follow the instructions in here on how to create a custom function.
Example use in a cell: =australianTax2011_12(37000)
Use at own risk!
I will not be responsible for any erroneous results.

ps: Comments and/or links to this article are most welcome!