Please note that this article was 'send-to' here from the following Google Reader article.
All credit goes to the author, abhishekThere are times when you need view or edit a pdf, doc, docx or ppt file on a public computer and that computer may not have MS Office or PDF viewer like adobe pdf reader installed in such case you might feel helpless, but there is way to solve this issue with even installing MS Office or adobe reader on the computer.
In such cases you can use gPDF which is a browser extension for firefox, google chrome, safari and opera. It helps you open the above mentioned file type and edit then with free google docs viewer. You don’t need to have MS Office or Adobe reader installed on a computer to view or edit these files using google docs.
Some Important Features Of gPDF Browser Extension
- Safe. You don’t need to use potentially vulnerable tools such as a local PDF reader. You open files remotely, without downloading them.
- Fast! No more wait for downloading PDF, PPT, DOC and DOCX files! Google Docs Viewer processes files with super speed. It feels like visiting another web page.
- HTTPS Secured connection. gPDF connects to Google Docs Viewer using secured connection.
- You don’t need Adobe Reader or MS Office to open online files.
- Full screen view. gPDF now opens PDF, DOC, Docs and PPT files in full screen mode.
- Links to EDIT and SAVE file in your Google Docs account. Note: Google Docs does not support editing PDF files.

gPDF Install Options
Firefox users can install the gPDF add-on from here.
Chrome users can install gPDF extension from the Chrome extension gallery.
Install gPDF as a greasemonkey script (userscript) from
Opera and Safari users can use gPDF as a greasemonkey script.
A fellow blogger Arpit has developed this cool browser extension, he blogs at TechRaga, you can read this page for more updates on this extension.
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